Religious Education
Our Religious Education Program holds classes each Sunday at 10:30AM at the Fellowship only. The live classes are led by Sharon Tominac, our RE Director and Pin Smith, our RE Assistant. Please contact Sharon or Pin if you have a child that you would like to enroll in our RE program through the "Contact Us" link of our web site.
Weekly Schedule
The following RE classes are scheduled thru the end of February
- Feb 2. The children will learn to appreciate nature's sounds, reminding us that we share this world with many other beings and that we need to make sure there’s a place for each one. Afterward, we’ll participate in a silent meditation.
- Feb 9. We’ll share a story about listening to what people truly need before offering help. Afterward, the children will be challenged to pay extremely close attention to the rest of the group‒the completion of a counting task relies on not interrupting each other.
- Feb 16. Inspired by the Complaints Choir project, the children will take turns “ranting” about what’s bothering them, while their partners practice listening empathetically. Then, we’ll make I'm All Ears hats to wear as a reminder to listen more than we speak.
- Feb 23. We’ll add fire symbols and the action words Shine, Passion, Action, and Reaching Out to the Elements Mural.
See "The Quest", our monthly newsletter, for more details on each program our kids have enjoyed over the past year.
Local Program
Our Religious Education Program helps them acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills they need to develop their own values and then to live those values on both an interpersonal and global level.
We aim to help our young people:
- Understand, value, and identify with Unitarian Universalism - its history, traditions, and principles,
- Develop self-esteem and the ability to relate to others in a just and caring way,
- Develop a sense of social and spiritual community,
- Learn about the beliefs, myths, and traditions of other religions from which they can draw inspiration,
- Discover their own uniqueness in a life-long quest for personal values and truths,
- Develop a sense of participation in a universe and an awareness of the mysteries which surround us.
Our Religious Education (RE) Program provides opportunities for young people and their adult leaders to come together to share their thoughts and wonderings as they travel the road of free inquiry and discovery in their search for spiritual direction and meaning.
Our RE Program promotes an atmosphere in which young people can learn from the religious history of humanity. Our program does not attempt to indoctrinate young people with religious "truths," but rather encourages them to decide for themselves those things which are of ultimate importance.
Value-oriented, youth centered and tradition-sensitive, our program is designed to assist the growing person in developing a personal religion which will contribute to a fuller, more purposeful, more creative life.
How It Works
Each Sunday all children attend the first 15 minutes of the adult service which begins at 10:30am. After the children light the chalice, they head downstairs for their Religious Education program until 11:30am. For special occasions, intergenerational services are planned where the children and adults participate in the service together.
Consistent attendance allows children to build relationships with their fellow students and teachers and allows for a better learning environment.
Parents are asked to fill out a registration form for their child/children. We invite parents to participate in our volunteer teaching program or contribute their talents in other ways.
Principles of UUs as Expressed by Young People
We Unitarian Universalists believe that these principles are important for our lives:
- We believe that everyone is special.
- We believe that our churches and fellowships are places where all people are accepted and where we learn together.
- We believe that each person must be free to search for what is true and right in life.
- We believe that everyone should have a vote about the things that concern us.
- We believe in working for a peaceful, fair, and free world.
- We believe in caring for our Earthly home and all its creatures.
Unitarian Universalists share an ongoing history from which we learn many things.
- We learn that being a part of life is a wonderful mystery.
- We learn about strong and good women and men who have lived fair and kind lives.
- We learn that Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and other religious teachings teach us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
- Believing in the basic goodness of all human beings including ourselves, we learn the value of using our own minds as we live our lives.
RE Community Service
Some of our past projects are as listed:
- Heifer Project: The children raised money to buy farm animals for needy families around the world.
- Sussex County Interfaith Hospitality Network: The children assisted their parents in preparing and or serving meals several times a year to families needing temporary shelter and assistance.
- Manna House: Children over 12 have helped serve a noon-time meal at the Newton soup kitchen.
- Book Buddies: The children collected books to donate to project self-sufficiency.
- The Mitten Tree: In December the children decorated a Yule Tree with hats and mittens which were then donated to needy children through project self-sufficiency.