The following is a list of UUFSC's committees and the functions that they service for our Fellowship and community. Please consider where you may want to get involved and contact the chairperson or a member of that committee for more information.

Program Committee
     Organizes Sunday service programs for weeks when a minister is not present.

Stewardship Committee
     Responsible for the strategic planning and development of resources to support the mission and vision of UUFSC.

Membership Development Committee
     Seeks to attract new UUFSC members via advertising or other methods.

Building and Grounds Committee
     Monitors and assesses Fellowship building and grounds for maintenance and repairs and makes recommendations about same.

Minister Advisory Committee
     Supports and advised the minister; acts as a liaison between members or friends of UUFSC and the minister should an issue arise where direct contact would be awkward or uncomfortable.

Religious Education Committee
     Assists the Religious Education Director in planning and implementing the Religious Education program.

Communications Committee
     Responsible for the dissemination of information for and about the Fellowship. Establishes communication policies and procedures and coordinates Fellowship outreach efforts through an array of media including the monthly newsletter The Quest, the website and social media.

Finance Committee
     Provides advice to the Executive Board on projected future financial needs and how to meet them.

Social Action Committee
     Coordinates UUFSC's volunteer efforts in the community and organizes members to take action on issues of public policy.

Fellowship Support/Caring and Sharing Committee
     Coordinates support for individual members as needed. Welcomes visitors at services.

Aesthetics Committee
     Decides on the suitability of proposed building decorations/modifications.